If you told me 5 months ago that I would…
I left the corporate world 4 months ago
If you told me 5 months ago that I would:
Start my own company.
Surpass $100k in organic revenue.
Generate 100k impressions on LinkedIn.
Help 10 brands grow on social media.
Grow to a team of 6.
Promote myself to a CEO.
I might’ve laughed out loud.
There’s no more putting your ambitions on hold.
With The Conqueress, you can launch your brand and grow on social media.
Pursue your goals with unwavering determination.
Turn every setback into a powerful comeback.
Last month, I hosted a masterclass on how to make your first $100k using social media.
If you want to make an extra $100k, watch the session before it’s gone today July 31st, sign up here.